Salam to all, i baru je lepas tgk pics lama mase pergi bercuti dengan kawan2.. miss that moments so much.. Talking bout holiday ni, i have been to so many place in Malaysia. But, i really found that Pulau Langkawi n Kuching Sarawak sangat2 menarik hati..:) Sebab tu la, dah i dah 7x pegi Langkawi n 3x pegi Kuching,:)Paling last pegi Langkawi tahun lepas, Labour Day (day when adik terlibat dalam accident). Xpe lah, let bygone be bygone.. Nak kenang bende sedih buat ape kan.. So, selamat menatap pics holiday ku ini..
Mohd Fadzli Bin Harmaini.. a.k.a Atan. Hmm, he is my schoolmate mase kat SMDMM. Dulu he is so cute, sampaikan i dont even know him.. Reunion Batch SPM 98 @ Balok Recreation Center.. I still remember the 1st time i called him, just to invite him to the reunion, but he refused to go.. Its ok, but..from that moment we start to sms each other. And from that moment also, our love story starts.. We are more than 3 years in love..and it will soon end with ikatan perkahwinan. InsyaAllah.. Abang, my love for u never changed since the first day we met.. Love u forever n ever.. Adik.. Love her so much.. Banyak kisah sedih adik that i am not able to share.. Hoping that adik will berjaya abiskan study kat Polisas n semoga dia berjaya dunia dan akhirat. Aminn..
Mummy.. Nurse to be.. Mummy study kat Kolej Sains Bersekutu, Sungai Buloh. Dia tak expect pon nk jadi nurse.. Pas abis Diploma Sains kat Uitm Jengaka, dia tunggu offer nak sambung Degree, tapi tak dapat, alih2 dapat offer belaja jadi nurse. Bila agreement dan sain ( scholarship provided by Ministry Of health) baru offer degree sampai. hmm.. what to do la kan..
This is Noor Azma Alias a.k.a Angah. Angah is a teacher kat Sekolah Menengah Chini.. Yeah.. mengajar anak-anak Felda. Angah ckp budak2 Felda sgt beruntung..Dia kinda happy mengajar kat sana, wlaupon G.B sekolah tu teruk..(katenye..) Angah got married to Johari.. Hubby dia Technical Assistant @ MTB. Angah ni la ibu Adam Khalish yg comelss tu..
This is my beloved mommy.. Mak.. I love her as much as i love myself.. Tak tau la, cmne nk teruskan hidup tanpa mak.. Semoga tuhan panjangkan umur mak. Aminnnn.. Abah.. Well, abah adalah seorg yg humourous. Hobi dia suka pegi memancing.Selalunya abah pegi memancing kat Kuala Pahang. Bila dapat banyak ikan, abah akan suruh mak buat ikan kering. Pastu kasi kat jiran-jiran sikit sorang Jane Ashe.. My sister yg sangat ambitious.. Selalu berangan nk travel oversea, especially to China. Latest, dia dapat offer Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris(UPSI) her former U nak anta dia pegi Cambodia. Tapi mak tak kasi.. Mak cakap makan payah kat sana.. Ashe now buat practical kat Sekolah Menengah Sains Hulu Selangor. She will be English Teacher la lepas ni.. All the best to you!
Meet Didi.. my 2nd daughter. What i like most about her is that she is so independant compare to her kakak. She can lipat her own baju, simpan dalam drawer, wash her own dishes after having meal n so much more.. She also can iron her own school uniform tau.. Kakak isha pun still suruh mama lagi..
This is my Isha, aged 11 years old. kadang-kadang tak percaya my daughter dah besar.. hmm.. fact that i have to believe.. Isha is so manja. Dulu mase didi di bawak lari oleh their own papa, isha seems to be my one n only love. Tapi when i manage to take didi back, i dah divide the kasih sayang equally.. :)alhamdulillah..
First and foremost, i nk introduce our new family member.. Adam Khalish.. Kitorang takde lagi lelaki dalam family (except for abah), so bila Adam lahir on 22 mei yang lalu, semua excited gile.. Semua tak percaya yang Angah gave birth to a BOY!.. Adam was born on 22nd of May at Pusat Bersalin Al Farabi, Kuantan. Adakah Adam akan kena buli or dibuli oleh Kak Isha n Kak Didi.. Belum tau lagi.. hehehe
Salam to everyone.. hmm.. i just read umie wani's blog. Rasa berkobar-kobar nk tulis blog sendiri pulak.. :), nk jadi blogger.. InsyaAllah, i will keep writing to share about life after this..